Today we are rolling out the Jungle Awakens DLC and the update to all Minecraft Dungeons platforms. New Features:
Jungle Awakens
The first DLC pack, Jungle Awakens, is available for purchase digitally on Windows, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation™ 4
A source of unbelievable power has crash-landed among the twisting vines of a distant, dangerous jungle. This mysterious power has spread its influence through vile vines, and now new terrors bloom – such as the Leapleaf and Whisperer
Trek through three new missions that will take you to the heart of the jungle where you’ll find new weapons, armor, and artifacts. This journey is meant for the bravest of heroes, for all twisted vines and paths lead to the source of corruption: The Jungle Abomination. This beast must be dealt with to restore balance to the jungle, so strike true and move swiftly
This pack is also available for players who have already purchased Minecraft Dungeons Hero Edition or the Hero Pass Upgrade. More details on Jungle Awakens can be found at Lower Temple
All players will be able to unlock this new secret mission and discover new loot!
Obsidian Pinnacle
Reduced minimum threat level from V to IV to make the boss less difficult to beat (letting more players unlock Adventure mode)
Soul Siphon
Made each soul collected respect your soul gather bonus
Reduced amount of souls per pop a little
Reduced chance a little
Increased explosion radius by 50%
Fire Aspect
+100% damage
Poison Cloud
+50% damage
+25% damage
Half HP
50% damage reduction
Increased attack damage 10%
Increased attack speed 15%
Iron Golem
25% more health
Increased movement speed 15%
Life Steal Aura
Increased life steal 3% -> 6%
Capped the damage on which life-steal is based to the actual health of the target
Reduced radiance melee range to 750 (same as ranged)
Fixed issue causing radiance heal amount to scale twice as much as it should (effective reduction at Apocalypse -50%)
Increased radiance ranged trigger chance to 20% -> 50%
Increased healing 4/6/8% -> 5/7/9%
Increased damage 20 -> 35
Increased projectile base speed by 13%
Fixed missing notify
Reduced stun duration of snowball 3s -> 2s
Health/Speed Synergy
Synergy now triggers on Lightning Rod and Corrupted Beacon when it is activated
Soul Speed
Max stack reduced from 100 to 5
Increased speed bonus from 1% to 5%
Increased duration from 2,3,4, to 3,5,7 seconds
Removed soul-amount multiplier for the speed bonus on collected soul (each visual soul == one stack)
Anima Conduit
Removed soul amount multiplier on soul collection
Increased effect from 1/2/3% to 2/4/6% per visual soul collected
Now triggers on any kill source
Soul Gathering
Reduced Soul Gathering on all gear 2->1
Soul Gathering is now collected from all gear no matter what kind of kill it is
All soul themed enchantments now give +1 Soul Gathering (added bullet point to UI)
All soul themed permanent enchantments now increase the item's natural soul gathering
Increased soul bar max souls 50 -> 300
Added error feedback to soul bar when you have too little souls
Soul Knife
Increased damage 40%
Soul Scythe
Increased range by about 20%
Increased damage by 35%
Increased splash multiplier 0.4 -> 0.75
Soul Bow
Increased ammo stack from 40 -> 50
Increased cost 25 -> 40
increased cooldown 1s -> 4s
Max damage also effectively increased by 60% due to damage being DAMAGE PER SOUL
Removed variable soul cost
Corrupted Beacon
Increased Cost 1 -> 2
Added cooldown 2.5s
Increased beam radius 150 -> 200 unreal units
Increased damage by 100%
Fixed bug causing the armor property bonus damage to be applied twice. (E.g. reduced damage bonus from Soul Robe compared to before)
Fixed bug in soul cost which was making it not drain correctly
Lightning Rod
Increased cost 10 -> 15
Added cooldown 2s
Increased radius 300 -> 350
Increased damage 30 damage per soul -> 60 damage per soul
Max damage also effectively increased by 50% due to damage being DAMAGE PER SOUL
Removed variable soul cost
Soul Healer
Increased cost 20 -> 50
Increased cooldown 1s -> 5s
Increased healing allies spark start speed 100% and acceleration 150%
Healing per soul 10 -> 4
Removed variable soul cost
Torment Quiver
Increased cooldown 1s -> 6s
Increased soul cost 10 -> 30
General Soul Gathering Changes
Your non-soul item kills still give souls
All your pet kills give souls
All ally player kills where either the player or the kill is within 1200 range, you get souls too
Number now shown in the HUD next to soul bar for changes to souls
Soul Gathering bonus from armors reduced 100% -> 50%
Crashes / Performance
Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay and improved stability across all platforms
Fixed a crash that could occur when joining an online game
Controls are no longer unresponsive while interacting with a merchant or Camp chest and getting kicked or disconnected from an online session
Fixed a crash that occurred while host was fighting the Heart of Ender and other players were below the arena, waiting by the jump pads
Potential fix for crash that occurs when there's no proper audio device connected
Fixed a crash that occurred when docking and undocking during a loading screen on Nintendo Switch
Fixed a crash that could occur on PC when pressing Enter on the Add Friend screen
Fixed an infinite loading screen that could occur after joining another player's session after reconnecting to Xbox Live while in a suspended state during single player gameplay
Fixed an infinite loading screen that could occur when attempting to proceed past the title screen after being forcibly signed out during a loading screen
Fixed some issues with Windows Store players receiving the "Unable to verify game ownership" error (MCD-1230)
Added a notification when a player leaves the game during online multiplayer
Fixed the game getting stuck in offline game when removing a second player from the main menu
Starting an offline game after the host of an online game forcibly disconnects no longer launches into a mission-camp hybrid (MCD-165)
Kicked players can no longer rejoin the session without an invitation if they were kicked during the reward screen
Players are no longer able to send invitations or join themselves through the Xbox app
Fixed camera issues that could occur when players simultaneously jumped off a cliff
Fixed Evokers spawning too many Vex
Fixed dying on some ledges in Obsidian Pinnacle without falling off
Fixed some sections of Camp that caused players to get out of bounds (MCD-457)
Fixed players getting stuck in a pit on Squid Coast
Players can no longer fall off the edge at the start of the secret Rune Room
Players can no longer roll onto platforms in Cacti Canyon before they’re raised
Arrows no longer auto-target dead mobs until their bodies disintegrate
Fixed Redstone Golems not attacking players if attacked from a far distance
Fixed an item duplication glitch
Fixed the Cores not animating during the Redstone Monstrosity fight during online multiplayer
Shooting a Key Golem with Trickbow or Heavy Crossbow no longer causes arrows to loop back and forth around them
Fixed Witch potion bottle breaking sounds
Fixed Redstone Monstrosity and Arch-Illager sound effects not affected by master volume setting
Fixed sound effects for some artifacts not playing when encountering large groups of mobs
User Interface
The "Start Game" button on the main menu now defaults to the last selected mode
Fixed missing characters in Korean localization the enchantment and brightness screens (MCD-1394)
'Lobby Chest' is now just called 'Chest'
Burning enchantment now has the proper description, stating that it "damages nearby enemies"
Artifacts can no longer hover over weapon and armor slots on the Inventory screen
Flaming Quiver/Torment Quiver/Fireworks no longer overlap with arrows on the HUD
Fixed overlapping buttons on the main menu in non-widescreen resolutions
Fixed corrupted Fireworks Arrow animation
Power and level of consumable items no longer on the HUD in online multiplayer
Fixed mob health bars get wider as the game progresses
The friend list now updates properly after kicking a player
Fixed the friend list automatically scrolling when clicking buttons or hovering the "Join" button
The host of an online multiplayer game now always appears at the top of the player list #minecraft #minecraftdungeonspatchnotes1.3.2,0
